Friday, April 13, 2012

Marks of a successful ministry

On the backdrop of the numerous leadership failings that dogged Saul as King comes this one haunting verse tucked at the end of chapter thirteen in 1. Samuel:

"So on the day of the battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them"

With the Philistines military dominance over Israel unquestioned, coupled
with them having outposts in several key surrounding, the Israelite situation
was precarious at best and yet the pursuit of arming their military somehow
seemed not to make it to the top of the agenda. In war-time no matter what
obstacles are in your way, I would imagine that weaponary must be attained for your army at what ever cost! But on reflection of this
embarrassing verse, it clearly had managed to slip the leadership's priority list.

In our context where military agenda's have been swopped with establishing the Kingdom of God through local church advancement, the need for the people to be equipped has not changed one bit!

The job of leaders, of whatever capacity, is to EQUIP the army of God!

Our primary job as leaders is not to host good meetings or have "successful" Sunday and mid-week meetings. Nor is it to ensure great worship times, have the hottest marketing strategies, have our sermons go viral or to have "the best coffee around". Our job, responsibility and priority is to equip our people so that "ON THE DAY OF BATTLE" they will have the sword and the spear in their hands!

Eph.4:12 spells it out even clearer...

" prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up..."

Are our wounded outnumbering our fighting fit? Are our counseling rooms fuller than our leadership trainings? Are our meetings more often "need" based over "commission" based?

Just thinking. Just asking the tough questions. Just wanting to be equipped.

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