God's power is linked to his heart, and his heart is a going one.
In Philemon.6 it says, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ"
*Going increases our revelation of God
If you feel you have been praying the same prayers in prayer meetings for quite a while, and if you've been sharing the same old story of what God did in your life for the last five years, it's time to step out the box! God is so gracious in that he often works in this way: We see something of him and are wowed...we share what we have seen to someone else...and through it God reveals more to us and the process is started again!
*Going increases our sphere of influence
"Enlarge the place of YOUR tent"
Since the beginning, God has given man authority to take dominion. This has not changed! You determine the place of your tent. You can sit comfortably where you have been for the last however long or you can take a step of faith outside of your current influential circle and see the boundary lines lift and move. Whether it is stopping by the office across from yours, or crossing the street to engage with the beggar there, or signing up for the street clean up initiative, or saving to go on a short term missions trip to another nation, just do something!
*Going increases the activity of God
How often we cry out for God to send his power and to pour out his Spirit, but I believe that God is more than willing to give us everything we need and more, but he first asks, "What do you need it for?" God is not moved by need, he is moved by faith. When we move our small feet even in what may seem a miniscule step of faith, God cannot help but be moved to release the power neccesary for the task.
This year, God is untying our feet and is empowering us to step out in authority and faith. After that, growth is an inevitable byproduct.
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