God gives Adam the next day off to rest with him!
Now that's the best boss I've ever heard of!
What God was setting in motion was a pattern that can be seen throughout scripture that all our efforts, all our job descriptions, all our strategies of growth are nought if they are not founded and grounded (continually) in the practice of knowing Him!
-To know who He is
-To know who we are
In almost every second magazine, book and television show these days an article, chapter or segment on "knowing the real you" or something to that effect. This year, I believe this to be one of the most crucial questions we have to ask ourselves.
*All creation knows who you are
Rom.8:15 "All creation waits and groans for the Sons and Daughters of God to be revealed"
*Satan knows who you are
He is convinced that you were bought with a price, chosen before the creation of the world, set apart for Christ, are called Christ's beloved, are Christ's very heartbeat, that He has called you righteous…and that’s why all his attempts are to destroy you and to fill your heart with quests to seek out 'the real you" in all other places except the right one.
*Do you know who you are?
This year, if growth in the things of God is the desire of your heart, throw yourself into the pursuit of God like never before. Carve out time specifically for quiet moments away with Him. Learn what Paul means when he says "Pray without ceasing". Understand that He is with you all the time and is continually whispering "Come away with me."
For it's when we know Him that we start to begin to know who we are!
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