At the start of every new year, statements of proposed growth are inevitable from all and sundry. Whether it is to bulk up physically, financially, in your home life, in your business, in your free time, in sporting endeavours, in the dating world, in your marriage, growth is a deep and essential cry of our hearts. There is something inbuilt in all of us that yearns to be better. To go further. To not be the same. In a worldly sense, growth is more often than not a direct result of how much effort you put in. In terms of our spiritual growth as a community this year, here below is point one in a 3 part series which will help us align our lives ready for the enlargement that God so desires for us.
1. TO GROW IS TO SOWIn Genesis 26, we read of Abraham's son Isaac who was living in Gerar in the time of famine. What I love about this chapter is how Isaac, instead of closing down ranks, tightening his belt and hoarding for the tough times ahead (as most would do in a famine), he planted crops... and expected a return on them!
This year, we are called to do just the same!
*If you have battled with financial pressure and strains, this is the year where God is calling you to sow financially into others!-The poverty spirit is broken by opening up our hands
-Get a biblical conviction of tithing
-Let generosity become your buzzword (generosity is only generosity if it costs you)
-God will never remain in your debt
*If you are unable to have children, sow into the lives of others children. One way is by volunteering your time and energy to aassisting with childrens church or youth ministry*If you have been disgraced, let down, rejected, shamed, this year sow by speaking words of life over others.-A culture of honour lifts the standard and creates room for growth in both camps
-In the Old Testament, when the nation of Israel went out to battle, the tribe of Judah (meaning praise) went first, not the fighting men. If you are at war in your marriage, at work, with your kids, with in laws, with your homegroup leader, send out the tribe of Judah first. Instead of being quick to criticize, start praising the signs of the life of God in them, no matter how small they seem to be to you.
Where we have allowed our hands to become tied and bound up by circumstances, by hurt and by our own sin, God is wanting to release our hands from holding onto temporal things so that they can be open to handle things of eternal value.
God, our greatest example, sowed his very best, his one and only son Jesus into the famine of humanity in order that he would in return reconcile many sons and daughters back to himself. This is our model, let us follow suit!
Rigby Wallace, lead elder of Common Ground Church, always says that
the most fearful thing for him is that he will be exactly the same person in a years time. One way we will be able to make sure this fear does not become a reality is to remember that its not how full we are, but rather how well we have emptied ourselves!