Thursday, January 19, 2012

Qualities of leadership

As God continues to grow (both numerically and in substance) the local church I have the privilege to be a part of, the greater the need is for high capacity leaders to be identified, trained up and released. And not only high capacity leaders, but quality leaders who know or can learn how to play their role in the context of team. Below are a few pointers of what to look for when identifying leaders and they can also be turned around and have the question asked, do I have these qualities. Hope they're helpful.

Look for these qualities of leadership in people:

1.) Positiveness (work+view)
2.) Servanthood (other before one’s self)
3.) Growth potential (hunger for it)
4.) Follow through ( completeness)
5.) Loyalty (God before personal desires)
6.) Resiliency (ability to bounce back)
7.) Integrity (character/trust/words and walk)
8.) “Big picture” mindset (see how it all fits)(puts things into perspective)
9.) Discipline (do what is required)
10.) Gratitude (thankfulness is a way of life)
11.) Team work (works well with others and leaders)
12.) Fellowship (easily gets behind leader and vision)
13.) Excellence (extra touches and effort)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Grow...Part Three

On the sixth day of creation, after fashioning and shaping in incredible detail and magnitude the heavens, the earth, rivers, oceans, mountains and valleys, an endless array of species great and small, day and night and everything else inbetween, God bends over the pinnacle of all his works and breathes life into man! In one of their first conversations, God points out all that he has made and informs Adam of his new job...naming everything, ruling over it all and taking care of it all. Exciting first day at work receiving his job instructions one can imagine Adam getting excited to get going with his endeavours. But what follows next is incredibly fascinating and often doesn't get much attention.

God gives Adam the next day off to rest with him!

Now that's the best boss I've ever heard of!

What God was setting in motion was a pattern that can be seen throughout scripture that all our efforts, all our job descriptions, all our strategies of growth are nought if they are not founded and grounded (continually) in the practice of knowing Him!


-To know who He is

-To know who we are

In almost every second magazine, book and television show these days an article, chapter or segment on "knowing the real you" or something to that effect. This year, I believe this to be one of the most crucial questions we have to ask ourselves.

*All creation knows who you are

Rom.8:15 "All creation waits and groans for the Sons and Daughters of God to be revealed"

*Satan knows who you are

He is convinced that you were bought with a price, chosen before the creation of the world, set apart for Christ, are called Christ's beloved, are Christ's very heartbeat, that He has called you righteous…and that’s why all his attempts are to destroy you and to fill your heart with quests to seek out 'the real you" in all other places except the right one.

*Do you know who you are?

This year, if growth in the things of God is the desire of your heart, throw yourself into the pursuit of God like never before. Carve out time specifically for quiet moments away with Him. Learn what Paul means when he says "Pray without ceasing". Understand that He is with you all the time and is continually whispering "Come away with me."

For it's when we know Him that we start to begin to know who we are!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Grow...Part Two

David Hogan, an edgy, gunslinger-type minister in the jungles of Mexico, has been used to raise more than 20 people from the dead while his apostolic network of ministers has raised upwards of 300 dead bodies! A man who walks in incredible supernatural activity almost daily, Hogan once went to speak at a meeting in a very affluent metropolitan area. Honest and to the point, Hogan called the audience a bunch of spoiled brats and stated that the main reason that people do not see many extreme power encounters, is because they fail to go! "You, in your selfish bubble, avoid the poor, the sick and the lost".

God's power is linked to his heart, and his heart is a going one.


In Philemon.6 it says, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ"

*Going increases our revelation of God

If you feel you have been praying the same prayers in prayer meetings for quite a while, and if you've been sharing the same old story of what God did in your life for the last five years, it's time to step out the box! God is so gracious in that he often works in this way: We see something of him and are wowed...we share what we have seen to someone else...and through it God reveals more to us and the process is started again!

*Going increases our sphere of influence

"Enlarge the place of YOUR tent"

Since the beginning, God has given man authority to take dominion. This has not changed! You determine the place of your tent. You can sit comfortably where you have been for the last however long or you can take a step of faith outside of your current influential circle and see the boundary lines lift and move. Whether it is stopping by the office across from yours, or crossing the street to engage with the beggar there, or signing up for the street clean up initiative, or saving to go on a short term missions trip to another nation, just do something!

*Going increases the activity of God

How often we cry out for God to send his power and to pour out his Spirit, but I believe that God is more than willing to give us everything we need and more, but he first asks, "What do you need it for?" God is not moved by need, he is moved by faith. When we move our small feet even in what may seem a miniscule step of faith, God cannot help but be moved to release the power neccesary for the task.

This year, God is untying our feet and is empowering us to step out in authority and faith. After that, growth is an inevitable byproduct.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grow...Part One

At the start of every new year, statements of proposed growth are inevitable from all and sundry. Whether it is to bulk up physically, financially, in your home life, in your business, in your free time, in sporting endeavours, in the dating world, in your marriage, growth is a deep and essential cry of our hearts. There is something inbuilt in all of us that yearns to be better. To go further. To not be the same. In a worldly sense, growth is more often than not a direct result of how much effort you put in. In terms of our spiritual growth as a community this year, here below is point one in a 3 part series which will help us align our lives ready for the enlargement that God so desires for us.


In Genesis 26, we read of Abraham's son Isaac who was living in Gerar in the time of famine. What I love about this chapter is how Isaac, instead of closing down ranks, tightening his belt and hoarding for the tough times ahead (as most would do in a famine), he planted crops... and expected a return on them!

This year, we are called to do just the same!

*If you have battled with financial pressure and strains, this is the year where God is calling you to sow financially into others!

-The poverty spirit is broken by opening up our hands
-Get a biblical conviction of tithing
-Let generosity become your buzzword (generosity is only generosity if it costs you)
-God will never remain in your debt

*If you are unable to have children, sow into the lives of others children. One way is by volunteering your time and energy to aassisting with childrens church or youth ministry

*If you have been disgraced, let down, rejected, shamed, this year sow by speaking words of life over others.
-A culture of honour lifts the standard and creates room for growth in both camps
-In the Old Testament, when the nation of Israel went out to battle, the tribe of Judah (meaning praise) went first, not the fighting men. If you are at war in your marriage, at work, with your kids, with in laws, with your homegroup leader, send out the tribe of Judah first. Instead of being quick to criticize, start praising the signs of the life of God in them, no matter how small they seem to be to you.

Where we have allowed our hands to become tied and bound up by circumstances, by hurt and by our own sin, God is wanting to release our hands from holding onto temporal things so that they can be open to handle things of eternal value.

God, our greatest example, sowed his very best, his one and only son Jesus into the famine of humanity in order that he would in return reconcile many sons and daughters back to himself. This is our model, let us follow suit!

Rigby Wallace, lead elder of Common Ground Church, always says that the most fearful thing for him is that he will be exactly the same person in a years time. One way we will be able to make sure this fear does not become a reality is to remember that its not how full we are, but rather how well we have emptied ourselves!