Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Adventure Continues

I lead a very privileged life. I’ve Just returned from a week up in Joburg with Junction Church where what was required of me was to lead worship and help minister with heroes of the faith Keir Tayler and Mike Hanchett, two men who have seen and done much over the last 30 years. 3 things that gripped me afresh this week are as follows:

1.       Testimony is the spirit of prophecy

-Hearing story after story in meetings and over coffees of incredible power encounters, supernatural phenomena and kingdom break out moment has re-awakened a passion to live in such a reality. Accounts of faith moves, declarations and adventures of obeying the voice of God has stirred me to venture out the boat in these realms more and more. Its part of my inheritance!

     2.       Kingdom friendships are priceless

- Getting to stay with couples from the church in their own homes is something I cherish. Getting to be a part of peoples lives in such close quarters gives you a chance to grow real, robust and enduring friendships. Early morning theological debates, late night ministry philosophy discussions and all the inbetween joking and laughing knits hearts like not much else. Our futures depend on these

      3.      God has undercover warriors that are about to break out

-Spending time with, praying for, eating lunch with, praying a bit more for, drinking coffee with and you guessed it, praying some more for a host of young people in their late teens and twenties revealed the incredible depth of resources that the Lord is preparing. In a world that is marked by superficiality, the genuine desire for both radical experience and strong wells of theology show that God is about to bring prominence to a young people who take the call of God seriously and yet also with a wild abandon.

So looking over my shoulder at these three learnings, I once gain commit to surrounding myself ongoingly with people who are further than me in their God adventures (I need to hear their stories of victories won and mountains conquered), with those who are peers (we need to hold each other unswervingly to the hope we profess) as well as the next generation pushing through (they need to see my life of struggles, wrestles and triumphs).

My future depends on it. Our futures depend on it.

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