1. Theological
2. Congregational
3. Seasonal
-Songs that carry the life of
God. It may have the funkiest bass line, or the most incredible groove, but if
it is not carrying the spark of the life of God then jettison it fast. Be wary
of the trap that says, “it worked in the past so it must work again and again”.
-Songs that serve the church’s
season. Again we must make it a priority to work in team with our local church
leaders in this regard. Learn to carry a heart for the church. David in the
Psalms was a man very in tune with the seasons of God and the seasons of his own
soul and those of the people he lead. We are not “ra-ra” cheerleaders. Our
worship times are not therapeutic pick me up times. We lead from where the
people are at, and LEAD them to where God wants them to be. Again I must
mention that we don’t pander to man centredness or emotions, but we do not deny
them. That is Gnostic!
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