Saturday, December 10, 2011

Over the last few months I have had the privilege of witnessing God's most beautiful and astounding gift of salvation worked out in front of my eyes time and time again. As someone who preaches a fair amount, I will often get to witness many hands go up after a sermon in response to the call that goes out, but the last few instances I am refering to are extra special as they have been one on one moments where I have seen people go from death to life, from hopeless darkness to glorious light in a powerful moment of encounter with Jesus.
And it's these occasions that brings all of life into perspective. This is why I am alive! Whether it has been a teenage girl grappling with rejection and abandonment issues, or a young man with his back up against the wall with no where else to turn, or a girl matric girl who has been so let down time and time again that she has become caught in a spiral of depression, my Jesus has broken into each circumstance with incredible accuracy, compassion, grace and power!

Jesus is perfect theology!

These people weren't looking for a well reasoned argument, they were needing the powerful reality of the Gospel! And Jesus never disappoints. My greatest joy this year has come from leading these people to their Saviour, baptizing them into his fullness and then spending hours chatting through all their exciting questions and discoveries!

With each and every time I chat to them, not about what "the next step is" but about how alive they feel, the joy of my salvation is restored. Often we become professional christians, trying to better ourselves, and we try and call it sanctification while in reality it is just well-disguised filthy rags of human effort! O God, keep my heart captivated with this great Gospel of yours! For it doesn't contain power...IT IS the power of God!

The beautiful moments when our depravity meets with his divinity!

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